Language Learning Consultation PAULLA
In order to make your start in independent language learning easier, the Division of Foreign Languages offers an individual language learning consultation service.
Here, you can take a language placement test to see how advanced you already are, agree on fixed learning aims and content in the appropriate language, and choose from a number of learning methods and strategies, cumulating in evaluation of your learning success. If you regularly participate in individual learning consultation, you can use our platform for autonomous language learning and learning consultation (PAULLA).
PAULLA offers you not only learning materials as well as links to further learning platforms, publishing sites, podcasts, etc., but also tips and hints that support you in acquiring language learning strategies: How to infer word meanings from context, hypothesize about the content of a text, keep a vocabulary card index, or create associograms on a topic? You can work on these and other language learning strategies in a self-directed way with the help of PAULLA.
Overwiew of Offers
English - Comprehensive Language Learning Consultation
Advisor: Hilary Meuter (PAULLA English)
Consultation: Thursday, 12.00 - 1.30 p.m., online
English - Competency-based Language Learning Consultation
Advisor: Dr. Tetyana Müller-Lyaskovets (PAULLA English Writing)
Office hours: Thursday, 12.00 - 1.30 p.m., online
German as a Foreign Language - Comprehensive Language Learning Consultation
Advisor: Dr. Meni Syrou (PAULLA DaF)
Office hours: Tuesday, 2.15 - 3.45 p.m., EF 61 / room 203 or online
Romance Languages - Comprehensive Language Learning Consultation
Advisor: Dr. Laura Tiego (PAULLA Romanische Sprachen)
Office hours: Wednesday, 2.15 - 3.45 p.m., online
You can find more information in our Leaflet "Autonomous Language Learning and Learning Consultation" (in German).
How are your language skills?
Use our grid to self-assess your language skills.