Language Courses
On this page we provide answers to frequently asked questions about our language courses.

Registration for language courses offered by the Division of Foreign Languages is done via our course platform. Before enrolling in a given course, you are first required to register using your university login credentials. Check out our registration requirements.
- Course enrollment for students of TU Dortmund University is handled via our course platform. Please note any deadlines and scheduled dates for placement tests. Information concerning both can be found under our German as a Foreign Language pages before the beginning of each semester.
- Guest Students/External Students: the Division of Foreign Languages does not offer German courses to external students, including prep courses for the DSH exam.
No. Since our language classes are strictly for students and auditors who are currently enrolled at TU Dortmund University, they are free of charge. Students not enrolled at TU Dortmund University are generally not admitted to our language classes.
- No. External students are generally not allowed to enroll in language classes offered by the Division of Foreign Languages. All language courses offered through the Division of Foreign Languages are strictly for TU Dortmund University students and auditors currently enrolled at TU Dortmund University.
- Students of TU Dortmund University (Ersthörende) receive enrollment priority over cross-registered students (Zweithörende) and auditors (Gasthörende). You may only audit a class as a guest or as a cross-registered student, if any open slots remain following the registration period.
Whether or not you need to take a placement test depends upon which course you intend to enroll in, the skill level you already possess, and whether or not you are able to prove your ability in that language. Check out the registration requirements.
Placement tests are typically offered during the semester break a few weeks before enrollment begins. Information concerning dates and deadlines can be found here. Sign-up for all placement tests is handled via our course platform.
- Ideally, you should enroll in a course that matches your current skill level. Once you have successfully completed that class, you may enroll in a successive course the following semester.
- You may also take advantage of our self-learning opportunities.
Please refer to this overview of which language certifications are accepted. An A-levels or Regents diploma with an appropriate CEFR level of achievement would also be accepted. In the event your language certification is not on the list, please submit it to our secretary during the period of time the placement test for your desired language course is offered.
In order to qualify for placement in a course, any language proficiency certification acquired through the Division of Foreign Languages (or similar agency) may not be older than one year.
- Procuring a space in a course after the enrollment deadline is not allowed. If you missed the enrollment deadline, you should prepare to take the placement test (or show proof of language ability) during the registration period in the coming semester.
- You do however have the chance to use our self-learning opportunities to improve your skills.
Please refer to the regulations regarding course placement as well as the automated responses you will receive during the course registration process.
In accordance with the Rules & Regulations of the Division of Foreign Languages (zhb), attendance is required. At present, attendance is mandatory. Each course description provides attendance guidelines, including how many classes may be missed.
Exams generally take place on the final day of class. If not, your instructor will disclose where and when the final exam will occur.
- Your instructor will enter your final grade into our online system once you have successfully passed the course. You will receive an e-mail from the secretary after the final results have been verified. At that point you may download and print your certificate. The certificate is automatically generated and valid without a signature.
- Exception: Any certificates awarded before Summer Semester 2012 must be picked up in the secretary’s office.
Every successfully completed course receives a graded certificate, which is documented and filed accordingly. Ungraded certificates of participation are generally not awarded by the Division of Foreign Languages.
You are entitled to take a retake exam if you 1) attended but did not pass your final exam or 2) can provide proof (letter from a professor or, in the case of a medical emergency, a doctor’s note) that expressly states why you were unable to take the original exam. Acceptable excuses include a conflict with another exam, a medical condition (in which case the doctor’s note must be turned in no later than three days after the exam date), or other university, internship, or work obligations.
- According to general examination regulations, students are eligible to review their exams. After you were notified of your exam grade, you are granted access to your written examination upon request. To schedule an exam review session, submit an exam review application to the Division of Foreign Languages within one month of the announcement of your exam results. Your exam review application can be sent as an e-mail to our secretariat. Your exam review session will take place by appointment in the secretariat. If you still have questions after the completion of the exam review session, we will forward your question(s) to the respective teacher, together with a request to get in touch with you personally.
- For the parallel groups of the courses English B2 WiWi-Modul 6 and English for Bio- and Chemical Engineering B2, dates for exam review are set by the course directors and communicated to the course groups.