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Center for Higher Education (zhb)
Further Offers

Peer Tutoring

The tutors of the writing lab offer writing consultations to support students in writing academic papers.

Two female students bent over laptop and text in exchange © Antonio Guillem​/​


Our tutors support students in structuring and writing their academic papers by helping them understand and independently manage their writing processes. The goal of tutoring is to provide guidance for self-help so that students could improve their writing skills and produce academic papers on their own.

What to expect during a consultation?

During individual and group consultations, our tutors will help you practice various writing techniques. They can help you brainstorm for the topic or help with different aspects related to searching and reviewing the literature. Our tutors can work with you on reading strategies, writing project planning, and time management.

How to book an appointment

You can schedule an individual tutoring appointment by logging into our open access Moodle room "Schreibwerkstatt Peer Schreibberatung.” There you will find a list of available time-slots and further information about tutoring services, peer tutors, and practice materials.

An open writing café is held on Wednesdays, 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. in Emil-Figge-Str. 61 (Foyer), where students are supervised by peer tutors while working on their projects. No appointment bookings are necessary for this event.

Handout (in German)

Wie hilft mir Schreibberatung

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the peer tutors via: schreibtutorium-fs.zhbtu-dortmundde

Introducing ourselves

Video Button © Skovoroda​/​
