Short Workshops
Die folgenden Kurzworkshop-Reihen finden während der Vorlesungszeit statt. Die beiden Kurzworkshop-Reihen bestehen jeweils aus 4 bis 7 Kurzworkshops á 2 Stunden. Sie können entweder einzelne Workshops oder die gesamte Reihe besuchen.
Programm SoSe 2025
Titel | Kurzbeschreibung | Anmeldung | |
212201-S Dr. Tetyana Müller-Lyaskovets Short Workshop Series I: Mastering Writing Skills | This workshop series leads you through the writing process and focuses on topics such as writing introductions and purpose statements, writing abstracts, or identifying and correcting the most common mistakes and structural defects. | Undergraduate and graduate students and researchers interested in learning how they can optimize their writing. Kursdaten und Anmeldung auf Kursplattform Programm SoSe 2025 ab dem 15. Februar 2025 verfügbar | |
212208-S Dr. Tetyana Müller-Lyaskovets / Hilary Meuter Short Workshop Series II: Professional and Technical Communication | In your professional life, you might find yourself in situations when you have to write an email, job application, and resume/CV, give a talk, or interview for a job. Our workshops prepare you for performing well in these situations by teaching you the basics of technical communication and by introducing you to processes that will help you improve on these tasks. | Undergraduate and graduate students and researchers interested in learning how they can optimize their writing. Kursdaten und Anmeldung auf Kursplattform Programm SoSe 2025 ab dem 15. Februar 2025 verfügbar | |
212214-S Hilary Meuter Short Workshop Series III: Managing your Writing Project | Subgoals, or “mini” goals help keep you on track, particularly when working on larger writing goals and projects. We can think of them as road signs that keep us going in the right direction. While developing these subgoals might seem like additional work, it can often expedite your overall writing. These workshops will examine how to write subgoals and maintain them throughout your writing process. | Undergraduate and graduate students and researchers interested in learning how they can optimize their writing. Kursdaten und Anmeldung auf Kursplattform Programm SoSe 2025 ab dem 15. Februar 2025 verfügbar |