Registration for Writing Courses and Events
On this page you will find information about the registration for courses and events offered by the writing lab

We publish our course and event program on our course platform by the following dates:
- Summer Semester: 15 February
- Winter Semester: 1 August
Please use our course platform to register for the courses, long and short workshops, and counseling offered by the writing lab
General Info
The writing lab offers its courses and events primarily to TU Dortmund University undergraduate students, graduate students, and researchers. Upon request, we enroll TU Dortmund University postdocs, and academic staff. We do not enroll TU Dortmund University external participants.
To register for most of the writing lab events, you do not have to meet specific prerequisites. Exceptions are the writing language courses for German as a foreign language and English. A placement is required for these courses.
If you are enrolled as a student or as a doctoral candidate at TU Dortmund University, you have access to our course platform with your university ID. Log in via the SSO access and scroll on the program page to the course of your choice. You also have the option to jump directly to the writing lab events using the filter menu. At the event of your choice, click on the registration button. You will receive an automated registration confirmation.
If you are a staff member or postdoc, please register with your university ID on our course platform via the SSO access and write a short e-mail with your registration request to Dr. Meni Syrou. Your account will be manually activated, and you can register for the desired course via the registration button.
If you are a visiting scholar and do not have a university ID, please register on our course platform via the guest access and write a short e-mail with your registration request to Dr. Meni Syrou. You will then be manually registered for the desired course.
Registration for our writing courses and workshops (SoSe 2025) is possible through our course platform beginning March 3, 9:00 a.m.
The writing lab offers have been created mainly to support you with your academic writing and presentation projects. Under certain condition, you can earn a credit but not a grade. The only exception is our credit-bearing writing courses. If you successfully graduate from these writing courses, you will receive a grade at the end of the semester.
Please find more details in the .pdf file descriptions available on our course platform.
Dates & Deadlines SoSe 2025
- Semester: 1 April – 30 September 2025
- Lecture period: 7 April – 18 Juli 2025
- Lecture-free days: 18 April 2025, 21 April 2025, 1 May 2025, 29 May 2025, 9 June 2025, 19 June 2025
Registration for most of the offers of the writing lab is possible from 3 March 2025, 9.00 a.m. The registration period usually ends three days before the start of the event.
Writing skills courses are an exception: Regarding registration deadlines, please refer to the regulations for the language courses.
Writing Course Registration
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